After Outrage St. Lous Park Will Reconsider Ban of Pledge of Allegiance

Veterans and other activists are still planning to attend the next city council meeting on July 15th to make sure the city council does reconsider the pledge.

St. Louis Park City Hall

After receiving almost universal outrage the St. Louis Park City Council is now reconsidering its previous decision to stop saying the pledge of allegiance before the start of public meetings.

The Democrat-controlled city council has previously voted unanimously to stop saying the pledge because they felt the pledge allegiance was not welcoming to their community.

Veterans and other activists are still planning to attend the next city council meeting on July 15th to make sure the city council does reconsider the pledge.

Per the facebook event page

“Therefore, MORVets and The Flag Brigade-Minnesota invite all patriots and veterans to attend the SLP City Council’s meeting on Monday, July 15th. Our current plan is to stand up just prior to the meeting and mass-recite the pledge. This is the United States of America; a Constitutional republic. At any official municipal meeting in our nation, they should recite the Pledge of Allegiance. One of our national mottos is “E pluribus unum” – Out of many, one. The Saint Louis Park mayor and City Council *must* learn this lesson, and not the opposite.”


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