Bullets enter student apartments in Dinkytown, business closes over safety concerns

Remarkably, no one was injured in the reported shootout.

Windows were boarded up at Burrito Loco in Dinkytown following the shooting. (Supplied to Crime Watch Minneapolis)

Shots rang out early Friday morning in the heart of Dinkytown, adjacent to the University of Minnesota campus, causing damage to student apartments and shattering business windows.

Remarkably, no one was injured in the reported shootout. However, one Dinkytown business announced Friday it is closing its doors indefinitely over safety concerns after the latest in a series of violent incidents in the area.

Minneapolis police were dispatched to the 400 block of 13th Avenue Southeast about 12:30 a.m. Friday on a report of shots fired, according to dispatch audio. University of Minnesota police also responded.

An initial report stated 10 rounds were fired and people were running from the scene. As police arrived, the dispatcher said security at a business reported two people had been shot. After searching around the area, police said no shooting victims were found at the time.

Police aired that a bullet had gone through a window at Burrito Loco and they found the scene of the shots fired near 5th Street Southeast and 13th Avenue Southeast. Police also stated after reviewing video that it appeared two vehicles may have been involved and that a suspect with a gun ran behind Burrito Loco.

Two TikTok videos later surfaced online showing apparent bullet damage to nearby student apartments. One video showed police documenting apparent bullet damage inside one apartment.

Watch on TikTok

Police later confirmed in media reports that bullet damage occurred to two apartment units, but no injuries had been reported and no arrests had been made.

Burrito Loco said on social media early Friday morning that it will be closing indefinitely over safety concerns.

“We will be closed until further notice. We value the safety of our staff and guests that support our establishment and cannot condone the actions of last night,” the restaurant said.

A University of Minnesota “watch dog” Twitter account said the university did not issue a safety alert over the incident. The university apparently said in response that it is not required to do so under the Clery Act, which only requires schools to report incidents that occur on campus or directly adjacent. The university also said it doesn’t issue alerts for shots-fired incidents that do not result in injury.

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Minnesota Crime Watch & Information publishes news, info and commentary about crime, public safety and livability issues in Minneapolis, the Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota.


Crime Watch MN

Minnesota Crime Watch & Information publishes news, info and commentary about crime, public safety and livability issues in Minneapolis, the Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota.