Commentary: Another disaster Democrats want you to forget about

Nearly 50,000 migrants who were told to report to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office between March and August have disappeared into America’s interior.

The Texas Department of Public Safety pulled over a truck that had 27 illegal immigrants crammed into the cab this week in Laredo. (Bill Melugin/Twitter)

Remember the Southern border fiasco? Democrats pray you forget, as they focus on divisive nonsense, but along our mammoth international border, the crisis continues.

More than two million would-be immigrants have been arrested for illegally crossing the United States-Mexico border since Joe Biden took office, a startling 300 percent increase from the prior year under a different president.

Via the flawed catch-and-release policy, hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have been released. Despite that, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who promoted that absurd dictum, thinks everything is going swimmingly.

America, unsurprisingly, disagrees.

According to a Harvard poll conducted late last year, more than two in three voters believe the border crisis needs to be addressed immediately, while a similar amount specifically blame the president’s executive orders for increasing illegal immigration.

Over 70 percent of those surveyed believe people crossing the border illegally should be promptly returned to Mexico.

As the administration’s haphazard border policies lead to an ongoing humanitarian disaster, new Homeland Security data show nearly 50,000 migrants who were told to report to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office between March and August have disappeared into America’s interior.

In a recent letter to Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, DHS said that out of 104,171 migrants issued “Notices to Report” during that five-month window, 47,705 failed to report. That’s nearly half. They should be subject to arrest and deportation, but of course, this cannot occur since no one knows where they are.

The Biden administration began using Notices to Report in March because of the surge in migrant apprehensions overwhelming Border Patrol agents when the new, more lenient administration took over last winter. Supposedly, the Notice to Report speeds up processing compared to the “Notice to Appear” concept, where migrants are given a set time and date for their hearing.

During the summer, apprehension numbers increased to more than 200,000 per month, and those figures do not include the Haitian migrant surge in Del Rio, Texas, that began in September.

The undoing of successful Trump-era policies, progressive activists’ unyielding desire for open borders, and appalling insouciance to national security by Democrats undoubtedly exacerbated this chaotic ordeal.

As it has from day one, the inept administration argues any surge, from any group, any place to our south, is due to poverty and violence in Latin America. When that cliché fails, they focus on weather patterns.

The only bright spot, even if ephemeral, is that Team Biden was court-ordered to re-establish the Trump administration’s Migrant Protection Protocols.

On the flip side, the Biden administration simultaneously decided to withhold crucial information on deportations and crime that’s always been released annually by prior administrations.

It’s no wonder Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, our country’s de facto president when it comes to border security, launched his reelection campaign in a place Biden has never been during his 50 years in politics.


A.J. Kaufman
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A.J. Kaufman is an Alpha News columnist. His work has appeared in the Baltimore Sun, Florida Sun-Sentinel, Indianapolis Star, Israel National News, Orange County Register, St. Cloud Times, Star-Tribune, and across AIM Media Midwest and the Internet. Kaufman previously worked as a school teacher and military historian.