Commentary: Vote pro-life first

Abortion is stealing the fundamental right to life from millions of Americans, and your vote can stop it.

President Trump speaks at the March for Life (National Right to Life/Facebook)

Throughout this election season, people from both the left and right have tried to tell Americans what is important and how to vote. The left in particular has been vicious, telling people that voting for President Trump is the same as being racist, or not voting for Biden makes you a terrible person. The left’s complaints will only grow louder and louder while ballots are being counted. In all the noise it is important that we do not lose our own voice. This election will determine a lot about the future of America. The biggest thing at stake: the right to life.

Some will tell you that being a one-issue voter focused on abortion is a mistake, that there are bigger things to focus on than abortion. Sixty-million babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion. That is 60 million Americans! With that many dead, it is impossible to not view abortion as the greatest humanitarian crisis of our lives. There is nothing that kills more people every year. We can put a stop to it by voting.

It doesn’t matter what someone can or cannot say, what they can or cannot do, or how much they do or do not pay in taxes if they cannot exist in the first place. Yes, we must protect our rights and defend the Constitution, but we must focus on the most important right, and the one that is most under attack. Without the right to life, nothing is possible. You cannot use your right to speak freely if you cannot even live. The right to life is fundamental.

As the left relentlessly cries out demanding your vote for Biden today, remember those who have never had the chance to cry out about anything, those who will never get to vote, never get to speak freely, and never get to live outside the womb. Abortion is stealing the fundamental right to life from millions of Americans, and your vote can stop it. Vote pro-life first!

Find out which candidates are pro-life before heading to the polls.


Grace Klassen