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Reparations: the Black Lives Matter Movement’s Ultimate Goal?

What are the motives/objectives behind the Black Lives Movement? Are the protests organized against police brutality the "Trojan Horses" that mask the true goals of #BLM?

Black Lives Matter Calls Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton “A White Supremacist”

Black Lives Matter St. Paul calls Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton (D) a "white supremacist," posts demands and threatens to "shut down" the Red Bull Crashed Ice St. Paul 2016 event, which draws crowds of 100,000+ people, if the demands aren't met.

Protest Shakes Downtown Minneapolis

Traffic stood at a standstill downtown Minneapolis today as workers for the second day in a row protested for a $15 minimum wage and what they view as a fairer economy.

Protesters Crash Yiannopoulos-Sommers Presentation at UMN (Warning: Graphic Language/Gestures)

Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos and author Christina Hoff Sommers spoke to students at the University of Minnesota about the third wave of feminism and political correctness. Students for a Democratic Society protested outside of the event, but some managed to sneak in and interrupt the presentation several times.

Fixing Minnesota’s Achievement Gap and Why it Matters

What are lawmakers proposing be done to solve Minnesota's achievement gap, and why does it matter?

Teachers, Janitors, $15 Hour Minimum Wage Supporters Protest Across Twin Cities

Wed., Feb. 17 and Thurs., Feb. 18, 2016 will be filled with protests, strikes and "Walk-Ins" across the Twin Cities.

“Students for a Democratic Society” Trying to Block Controversial Speakers at UMN

Do UMN students agree with the controversial group "Students for a Democratic Society"'s attempt to block free speech on campus?

Will House Republicans Put The Brakes On Southwest Light Rail Line?

This past week, President Barack Obama has included Minnesota's Southwest Light Rail Transit Line (SWLRT) in his 2017 budget recommendation, proposing that $125 Million be set aside for the light rail project. The SWLRT line spans 14.5 miles from Eden Prairie to Target Field.

City Pages Demeans Pro-Life Activists

Does the behavior of Minnesota pro-life activists match the picture painted by the media?

Black America & Bernie Sanders: A Forum – Hosted by Neighborhoods Organizing for Change

Bernie Sanders and Neighborhoods Organizing for Change event "Black America: a Forum with Bernie Sanders" in Minneapolis Feb. 12, 2016.