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University of Minnesota says it conducts no studies using human fetal tissue

65 Minnesota state legislators have called for an investigation into Planned Parenthood of Minnesota and also want to know whether the University of Minnesota is involved in procuring fetal organs for research purposes. With national scrutiny of Planned Parenthood heating up, Alpha News takes a look at fetal tissue research in Minnesota.

Alpha News Report: Planned Parenthood Protests

Protesters and lawmakers rallied outside the regional office for Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota in St Paul yesterday afternoon calling for the end of taxpayer funded abortions...

Somali arts group sought $4.35 million in taxpayer funds to stop terror recruiting

A Somali arts group hired lobbyists this year and requested $4.35 million in taxpayer funds to prevent Somali youth from being targeted by terrorist recruiters. They were rewarded $250,000 in legacy funds in the end and the organization's arts mission and past funding levels raise questions about how they money will be used.

Historic Ft. Snelling barracks to become government-subsidized housing, who will profit?

A $100 million plan to turn 26 buildings at historic Ft. Snelling into 190-government-subsidized apartment units was announced this week by Lt. Governor Tina Flint Smith. The project will get the go-ahead from the state's executive council with no input from the legislature. The company making the proposal, Dominium, employs Governor Mark Dayton's senior-level adviser Kathy Tunheim's PR firm. Alpha News takes a closer look at the project.

Alpha News Report: Presidential Debates and Third Parties

Alpha News asks a number of locals and Judge Jim Gray their thoughts on the Commission on Presidential Debates and third parties.

Which Minnesota cities & counties will be affected by new Obama’s new “Fair Housing...

Large Minnesota cities and counties that take Community Development Block Grants from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will be required to assess their zoning and land use decisions to determine their impact on fair housing choice. How will it affect where you live?

Alpha News Report: Freedom to Fly the Flag Rally

Protesters gathered outside the Southdale Gardens Condominiums to express their anger over a military mom being told to take her American flag down....

Minnesota correctional facilities reimbursed for 1,877 inmates with either illegal or unknown immigration status...

Last year, twenty-four different corrections facilities across Minnesota applied for payments from the federal government's State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) which reimburses states to incarcerate illegal immigrants. Minnesota's liberal immigration policies in the state's largest cities and counties may mean losing these federal dollars as Congress seeks to cut off funding from sanctuary cities.

Alpha News Report – Planned Parenthood Has Some Calling To End Taxpayer Funded Abortions

Alpha News investigates the responses in Minnesota to the leaked Planned Parenthood video....

Early support for Presidential candidates from key Minnesota politicians and players

Now that the United States presidential campaign has turned into twenty-four month spectacle, candidates work to gain early support from influential names in the political realm. Here's a look a who's been supporting whom here in Minnesota: