Candace Owens, a conservative political commentator and illustrious social media star, is now a bestselling author as well. Her book “Blackout” hit the shelves on Sept. 15 of this year and immediately became a New York Times bestseller.
“Blackout” makes the compelling case for black Americans’ necessary and urgent exodus from the Democratic party, arguing that the liberal left has black Americans shackled to their party by government welfare, radical feminism, crippling socialism, the failing public education system and relentless brainwashing by the media.
Owens’ own life story is one of transformation from a liberal, victim mindset to an awakening to freedom and independence. She writes, “I was a tragic Shakespearean figure doomed to fail because of the unfortunate circumstances of my childhood.” Therefore, Owens knows better than anyone about the mind-boggling psychology leftists use to impose their beliefs on the American public and particularly on the black community.
After the first section detailing her enlightenment to conservatism, Owens addresses 10 topics that have been impacted negatively by liberalism and have contributed to the demise of black America. She does so with hard-hitting statistics, powerhouse arguments, and intellectual deliberation in each sentence she writes.
In a chapter titled “On Overcivilization,” Owens argues that America may be at a point where society is striving for injustices to fix when, in actuality, we are as close to perfect as a nation can get. “But what happens when civil maturity is realized, when basic rights and liberties have been ensured for all? What does a society strive toward then?” she asks. “The answer is what I believe might be plaguing America today: overcivilization.” Overcivilization may be at the root of so many absurd agendas the left pushes.
To illustrate this idea, Owens explains the issues of Democrats’ need for mass illegal immigration when our country has already made the decision to welcome law-abiding citizens and those seeking asylum into our nation; for transgender and pronoun rights, when gay rights have already been achieved by the legalization of gay marriage; and for race-baiting and invented oppression when black Americans have the same rights “to live, work, vote, and love” as any other American citizen.
Some of the most privileged humans in the world and in the history of the human race live in America today. In a daring statement, Owens writes, “Indeed, only in a time of tremendous peace can such meaningless banter take place.”
She tackles the issue of radical feminism by noting the irrationality of the #BelieveAllWomen movement initiated by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford: “Women are clearly and evidently as capable of wrong-doing as men. In the spirit of true equality, should we not have our motives questioned as well?”
Owens calls out the public school system for failing on countless levels, particularly for preaching systemic injustice and victimhood, and for ignoring any suggestion that personal decisions could play a part in “every current ill that befalls black America today.”
She continues, “No, the school would not have dared teach a black person about the consequences of personal decision-making — not when the narrative of systemic oppression is so preferred.”
We’ve seen this too many times in Minnesota this year: public schools requiring children to write “white guilt” essays, recommending books like “White Fragility,” pushing the Black Lives Matter agenda, and enforcing “anti-racist” training for teachers.
Owens also devotes chapters to socialism, welfare, media, faith, black culture, and slavery. “Blackout” contains so many underline-able quotes. Here are just a few more to ponder:
- “In times of true injustice, no one debates gender pronouns and microaggressions. In times of real conflict, no one demands the government come take their guns.” – On Conservatism
- “Perhaps Democrats simply understand that uneducated black children transform into uneducated adults, and uneducated adults are far more easily controlled by mass propaganda than those who think critically for themselves.” – On Education
- “Socialism, of course, cannot survive if this is the commonly held belief, because they teach that faith in government is the conduit to a perfect society. The quicker the spread of atheism, then, the quicker the spread of government as the solution to our every problem.” – On Faith
- “Democrats see inherent racism and struggle in nearly everything, thereby destroying nearly all racial progress that has been achieved thus far.” – On Conservatism
Candace Owens is the kind of quick-on-her-feet intellect that today’s young leftists are scared of. She is confident, fearless, hopeful and spirited, and “Blackout” is a direct representation of this powerful character she embodies. Owens’ book will convince readers of their duty and right to look beyond the liberal view society forces upon them, and instead to rely on their own abilities and realize their true potential.