ST. PAUL, MN — Real ID is headed for a floor vote in the House of Representatives. The bill passed with a voice vote through the House Ways and Means Committee.
While Minnesota still has until January 22, 2018, to comply with Real ID, Republicans have pushed the measure through in 20 days.
On Wednesday, January 18, members of the House Transportation Finance Committee passed Real ID 12-11 after defeating an amendment that would remove language found in line 6.25 of the bill stating undocumented immigrants were not able to get an ID.
As Alpha News reported, the MN Catholic Church sent out a letter urging lawmakers to remove the line as it would harm undocumented workers looking to make a life in MN.
Minnesota currently has a rule making it illegal for undocumented immigrants to obtain a driver’s license. A rule can be changed or overturned with another rule. The inclusion of line 6.25 would officially make the rule a statute within Minnesota law.
The line has been a big problem for Democrats. Representative Alice Hausman (D-Minneapolis) expressed her frustration with House Republicans who she says “won’t do the right thing.”