A Somali refugee studying at Ohio State University has been named as the assailant who sent nine people to the hospital Monday before being shot and killed by police.
As NBC news reports, officials say an Ohio State University student “plowed a car into a campus crowd, then jumped out and started stabbing people with a butcher knife before being shot dead by police Monday morning.”
The NBC report claims officials say the assailant was Abdul Razaq Ali Artan, an 18-year-old student at the university. Officials says Artan was a Somali refugee who prior to coming to the United States left his homeland with his family in 2007, then lived in Pakistan until 2014.
Nine people were taken to the hospital after the attack, with initial reports saying none of the injuries are life threatening.
NBC says Artan was killed by police within a minute of the attack.
Daily Mail reports, “While the motive for the attack is still unknown, there are questions about whether Artan may have carried it out in jihad, since Somalia is a Muslim-majority country.” NBC notes officials said Artan “posted a rant on social media prior to the incident.”
This is not the first time a Somali refugee has attacked Americans in 2016. In September Somali immigrant Dahir Adan walked into the Crossroads Center Mall in St. Cloud and started stabbing people. Ten people were hurt before Officer Jason Falconer, who was off-duty at the time, shot and killed Adan.
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