Commentary: Garland’s attack on concerned parents is purely political

It seems every recent Democratic administration has managed to find a domestic villain. 

Merrick Garland and Vice President Kamala Harris. (White House/Flickr)

Merrick Garland apparently doesn’t have much to do. The crime surge in America’s cities and endemic political corruption are less important than concerned parents irked by their failing schools.

The attorney general recently instructed the FBI to look for parents seeking accountability within taxpayer-funded curricula.

Of course, Garland’s memo to the federal agency proves these efforts are mainly political.

The edict follows the National School Boards Association (NSBA) demanding the Biden administration protect school boards from frustrated parents.

It seems every recent Democratic administration has managed to find a domestic villain.

Barack Obama notoriously attacked Tea Party types with Gadsden flags; Bill Clinton did so with pro-lifers; and his wife continued during her failed campaigns.

Meanwhile, there is no legal authority or federal crime included in the memo.

“It’s unconstitutional,” Charles C.W. Cooke said Friday. “We are not talking about military being targeted, or members of the U.S. Senate; we are talking about state and local employees. Even if we accept there’s a problem, it’s not a federal issue. The federal government doesn’t have police power in this area.”

Honest observers know parents are fed up with inconsistent protocols, like masking those at minimal risk, and a profligate education establishment and teachers unions that consistently place students last.

Alpha News has exhaustively documented parental concerns about critical race theory (CRT), which claims the U.S is inherently racist and white people are essentially bigots. These regressive, divisive trainings are prevalent for K-12 teachers now, not just university faculty.

Should parents be allowed to demand a say when children are being indoctrinated or should they be intimidated and bullied?

During a Virginia gubernatorial debate last week, Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe said no, claiming, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

Tellingly, McAuliffe does not even understand what CRT is.

Parents and their children have every right to confront board members at meetings and write strong emails. Engaging in democracy can be messy. And if a small amount act like buffoons, aren’t we always told by media not to generalize leftist groups like Black Lives Matter because some are violent bigots?

Surely nothing is occurring that necessitates utilizing FBI resources.

Garland is simply acting on Biden’s orders, and Biden likely is acting on demands from a powerful Democrat interest group. This has more to do with politics than laws, when you consider the Garland memo immediately followed the NSBA letter.

It’s appalling, though, to see them succumbing to teachers unions, of all groups, since they’ve been continually exposed for their graft and selfishness during the pandemic.

Desperate to vilify, MSNBC summoned Frank Figliuzzi, whose recent deranged claims include: calling conservatives terrorists; that former President Donald Trump was working for China and Russia; and that Trump’s administration turned the memorial of a mass shooting into a nod to neo-Nazis.

“He’s simply reminding us what every Little League parent already knows: It’s not OK to threaten violence against other people. It’s not OK to intimidate public servants to the point where they can’t fulfill their duties,” Figliuzzi argued. “And, if you do those things, law enforcement will remind you of what it means to be a responsible citizen and parent.”

Figliuzzi did note this type of FBI involvement in local school board security hasn’t occurred since segregation and the civil rights movement. Using an analogy to serious eras should be sufficient to show Garland’s orders, which now face pushback from some intrepid school boards, are utterly laughable.


A.J. Kaufman

A.J. Kaufman is an Alpha News columnist. His work has appeared in the Baltimore Sun, Florida Sun-Sentinel, Indianapolis Star, Israel National News, Orange County Register, St. Cloud Times, Star-Tribune, and across AIM Media Midwest and the Internet. Kaufman previously worked as a school teacher and military historian.