Rep. Collin Peterson raised nearly $250K from PACS, $0 from donors in his districts

Republican spokesperson Preya Samsundar was quick to point out that the latest report is "Not a good look for Congressman who's losing support fast in his home district."

Collin Peterson

Democrats have been critical of the influence of corporate political action committees. Minnesota Democrat Collin Peterson, however, has embraced PACs and has raised 241K from political action committees.

What makes this move even more surprising is how little Rep. Peterson raised from actual individuals. Federal Election Commission requires candidates to disclose and itemize any donor who gives over $200 in an election period. Rep. Peterson only shows 40K in itemized donations from individuals.

What’s even more amazing is that not a single Minnesota resident is listed as a donor on his report. Longtime former Democrat from Minnesota Jim Oberstar was heavily criticized for only having one donor from his district during 2010 election.

Oberstar ended up losing his reelection that year. Republican spokesperson Preya Samsundar was quick to point out that the latest report is “Not a good look for Congressman who’s losing support fast in his home district.”

While there have been rumors of Rep. Collin Peterson not running for reelection his heavy PAC fundraising indicates that he expects to run again in 2020. Republican Dave Hughes who has previously ran against Rep. Peterson has announced that will seek a rematch in 2020.


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