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Tag: Joe Biden

Biden hosted online event with Minnesota senator who supports sanctuary states,...

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign held an online event on Friday with former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Minnesota Sen. Patricia...

Omar says Biden has ‘most progressive’ platform ever

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) said that former Vice President Joe Biden's current presidential platform is "the most progressive platform a president has ever run...

Karen Bass, a potential Biden VP pick, praised Scientology at church...

Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA-37), who has emerged as a leading contender to be Joe Biden’s running mate, praised the Church of Scientology during a...

Elder: Biden’s lies for black (and white-privilege guilt) votes

"Take a look at my record, man. ... I have a record that is second to none. The NAACP has endorsed me every time...

Kaufman: Biden woos left-wing Muslim group, receives Omar’s endorsement

Joe Biden urged Americans of Muslim descent to support him against President Donald Trump while addressing the “Million Muslim Votes” summit Monday. The event...

Kaufman: Biden’s Running Mate Race Reaches Crescendo

“I want someone who is ready to be President on Day 1.” — Joe Biden, June 2020 Two months ago I analyzed who Joe Biden might select as his...

Trump Campaign Releases Ad About Police Defunding

The Trump Campaign Released a new viral ad that shows what could happen if Democrats abolish the police. The ad comes after rioting and destruction...

US Senator Tom Cotton Launches Ad In MN

US Senator from Arkansas, Tom Cotton, has taken out an ad against Joe Biden that will be run in Minnesota The ad shows the destruction...

Amy Klobuchar Withdraws Herself From VP Consideration Because She’s White

Senator Amy Klobuchar says she doesn't want to be considered for the vice presidency due to her race. Klobuchar is a senator from Minnesota, a...

Ilhan Omar Believes Biden Sexual Assault Accuser, Supports Him Anyway

Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar says that she believes that former Vice President and Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden sexually assaulted Tara Reade in 1993. Reade...