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Judge Rules Against MN Governor Dayton In Union Case

St. Paul, MN- SEIU Healthcare Minnesota is under fire for stalling as a Ramsey County Court recently  ordered the Minnesota Department of Human Services...

Dayton Taking Applications for New Council

St. Paul, MN - A ballot initiative passed on November 8th approved the creation of an elected board to decide how much state legislators...

First DFL Contender Makes Her Case for Governor

ST. PAUL, MN -- Just nine days after a general election that ended a divisive and tiring election season, Minnesotans have been thrust into...

Dayton Pushing for Special Session on Healthcare, Says GOP Plan Not Possible

MN Governor Advocates for Using Projected Surplus to Fund Relief for Insurance Hikes St. Paul, MN - After tabling discussions until the end of the...

Governor Dayton Walks Out of Meeting Over Civil War Paintings

SAINT PAUL, MN   Governor Dayton threatened to resign from the Capitol Preservation Commission and walked out of the meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016,...

No MN Legislature Special Session Agreement Reached

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton (DFL) and House Speaker Kurt Daudt (R-Crown) meet for final contentious special session agenda negotiations; fail to reach agreement. St. Paul,...

Klobuchar Makes Decision about Governor Bid

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) has announced that she will not run for Governor in 2018. Instead, she will be seeking a...

Dayton Urges GOP-Held Legislature to Pass Bonding Bill

Governor Mark Dayton says “time is of the essence.” St. Paul, MN - On Wednesday Democratic Governor Mark Dayton released what he is calling a...

Trump, Dayton agree: Affordable Care Act is Not Affordable

The Democrat Governor of Minnesota said "The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is no longer affordable!" - And, it is lousy healthcare. ~ @realDonaldTrump St. Paul,...

MN State Auditor Rebecca Otto to Run for Governor

Three Term State Auditor Set to Jump into 2018 Race for Governor St. Paul, MN - Minnesota State Auditor Rebecca Otto has announced her candidacy...

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