Instagram account shows ‘Kia boys’ stealing cars, fleeing police

License plates seen on the stolen cars are often from Minnesota, but out of state plates range from Oregon to Florida.

An Instagram account, “@612_kiaboys,” shows young men who call themselves the Kia boys stealing cars and fleeing police.

An Instagram account, “@612_kiaboys,” shows young men who call themselves the Kia boys stealing cars and fleeing police.

“We really duckin switch’s [sic],” the caption of one of the posts reads. The account underwent a name change and is now called “@switchinlanesjumpingates.”

The videos range from 2,500 to nine million views on Instagram, with some commenters actually applauding the youth while others call them out for their illegal activity. The account has nearly 60,000 followers.

Another account called “@kiaboyz612” has similar content. The videos show the young men stealing vehicles with screwdrivers and hammers, driving recklessly, including on sidewalks and bike paths, and fleeing police officers.

One video shows the car thieves crashing a stolen car into street signs and stop signs, while the person taking the video looks on and laughs. “He finna smack that b—,” the person says, while the driver plows over a stop sign. “Bro, what the f—.”

The driver then accelerates the white car down an embankment into a body of water. “He just put that b— in the lake,” the boy recording cheers.

Another shows a vehicle being pursued by police officers. “Not a chance, pu—,” one of the thieves yells at the police while leaning out of a window as the car speeds down the road. Apparent gunfire can also be heard in the video. The boy filming showed his face, but he was masked.

Another video taken by a masked white boy shows a female’s face while they flee from police. Both look to be teenagers.

License plates seen on the stolen cars are often from Minnesota, but out of state plates range from Oregon to Florida. Alpha News reached out to the Minneapolis Police Department for comment on the videos but did not receive a response.

In August of last year, four juveniles between the ages of 11 and 14 were shot while “joyriding” in a stolen Kia. Four of the five minors in the car sustained gunshot wounds.

“This is a tremendous problem that we’ve been having over the last two years that I’ve been here—juveniles involved in joyriding in stolen cars and then becoming involved in more and more serious crime,” Minneapolis police chief Brian O’Hara said about the incident.

The trend of thieves targeting Kias began in 2022 because they can be stolen easily by chipping the steering wheel and “inserting a screwdriver into the ignition,” which is the technique seen in the videos posted to the Kia boys Instagram account.


Hayley Feland

Hayley Feland previously worked as a journalist with The Minnesota Sun, The Wisconsin Daily Star, and The College Fix. She is a Minnesota native with a passion for politics and journalism.